Hubspot Blog - Louver Compendium - cover

The HVAC Louver Compendium

Ready to learn about louvers?  Our Louver Compendium contains our informative articles on louver mechanics, from important performance metrics to their typical applications.

The MCDLG Newsstand provides valuable information on louvers and dampers, including how they work and when to use them in your project. 

What is a Louver?

According to Merriam Webster, a louver is "an opening provided with one or more slanted fixed or movable fins to allow flow of air but to exclude rain or sun or to provide privacy." Louvers are often part of large-scale HVAC systems, either at the intake or exhaust part of the system.

They are installed in openings to allow air into a building and to leave certain elements out. These openings lead to HVAC ductwork, so that air flows into the system. For large-scale HVAC systems, providing an adequate supply of fresh air into the building is important. Louvers make sure that only air gets in.

Below is our collection of louver articles, divided into categories on performance, louver parts, available accessories, and applications.



How do you measure a louver's performance? There are several factors to consider, such as total free area and the beginning point of water penetration. These articles discuss the various performance metrics of louvers, including weather protection and air performance. 

AMCA Testing - Wind Driven RainAMCA Testing - Wind Driven Rain: The Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) establishes the standards for testing louver performance. In this article, we explain how AMCA labs measure a louver's resistance to wind driven rain.



Water Penetration Blog - Social MediaAMCA Testing - Water Penetration: AMCA's water penetration testing determines the beginning point, in air velocity, when rainfall will infiltrate the louver. A higher beginning point means better protection.



Hubspot Blog Graphic MCDLG - 2021 - Louvers By The NumbersLouvers by the Numbers: There are many numbers to consider when choosing the right louver for your project. Learn the meaning of important metrics, like free area and pressure drop, with this Newsstand article.



Hubspot Blog Cover Image - TC Free AreaThe Condenser: Free Area - The Space Between Blades: Louvers are designed to protect ventilation openings from rainfall and other debris, but they also need to allow air through. Learn more about free area, a vital component of air performance.  



MCDLG Blog 2022 - 5 Things to Know when Choosing LouversFive Things to Know When Choosing Louvers: In this article, we break down five things to consider when selecting louvers for your project. We discuss what to think about with each application and how performance metrics translate to working louvers.



Hubspot Blog 2022 - Louver LocationsFour Questions on Louver Location: Location, location, location. Think about where your louvers will be installed. Will they have enough support? Here are four questions to ask yourself about louver installation, and a few ways to answer them.


Hubspot Blogs - AMCA 540 - coverAMCA 540 - Missile Impact Testing for Hurricane Louvers:  Hurricane louvers are built and tested to withstand the worst weather scenarios. They must withstand impacts from windborne debris. In this article, we look at the missile impact testing established in AMCA Standard 540. 



What are louvers made of? These articles cover the various parts of a louver and how they come together. By understanding these components, you can make better choices for your project. 

Cover - Louver Blades, A PrimerLouver Blades - A Primer: Louver blades have different profiles, which help determine the louver's purpose in your project. Understanding these profiles is important. Learn more about louver blades with this Newsstand article.



MCDLG Hubspot Blog - Condenser - Anatomy of LouverThe Condenser - Anatomy of a Louver: New to louvers? Brush up on your terminology with "Anatomy of a Louver", part of our Condenser series. Learn where the jambs go, and which side of the louver goes on top. 



MCDLG - Blogs - ComboStationaryCombination Stationary - Two-in-One Louver Solutions: Two louvers in one unit? How would that work? Combination stationary louvers are highly effective at blocking rainfall, especially during severe weather events. 



MCDLG 2022 - Big 3 CoverThe Big Three Metals for Louvers and Dampers: Three metals make up most louvers and dampers. Each metal will have different properties that make it better suited for specific applications. Learn the benefits of each metal with this Newsstand article.


Hubspot Blog 2023 - Condenser Chevron BladeThe Condenser - Chevron Blades for Severe Weather: Seen any louvers with wavy blades? Those are chevron blades, and they provide excellent protection against heavy rainfall. Learn more with this quick Condenser article.



A Closer Look at Straight BladesThe Condenser - A Closer Look at Straight Blades: Simple, straight blade profiles are great for air performance, but are they good for your application? Learn more about straight blades with this Condenser article.  




When should you add an actuator? Which actuator would work better? Louvers have many different options and accessories available. These articles cover everything optional, from sill extensions to powder finishes.

Drain Pan - Sills FB Cover ImageDrain Pans and Sill Extensions - An Explanation: Sill extensions share many similarities with drain pans, but they don't serve the same purpose. What's the difference? When do you use a sill extension over a drain pan?



MCDLG - actuatorsActuators - Making Adjustments: Actuators govern the rotation of adjustable blades. There are three primary types of actuators, and each works in a unique way. Learn more with this Newsstand article.



MCDLG Hubspot Blog - Options for Louvers-1Options for Louvers: There are many options available for your louvers. Accessories like actuators can add functionality, while options like custom shapes and finishes can add style. Turn your louvers into versatile units with the right options. 



MCDLG Hubspot Blog - cover imageThe Condenser - Subframes for Louvers: A frame within a frame? Subframes allow you to easily remove a louver and replace it, for when you need easy access to the area behind the louver.


HubspotBlog2021 - Flange FramesThe Condenser - Flange Frames for Seamless Design: Flanges extend past the face of the frame to cover the seam of the ventilation opening. Learn more about these accessories with this quick Condenser read.




When should you use a severe weather louver? What is an architectural louver? Choosing the right louver for the task can be challenging. These articles cover numerous factors to consider when choosing louvers to meet your project's needs.

2020 Blog Cover Image - 7 Specialty ApplicationsSeven Specialty Applications for Louvers: Seven applications for louvers that break the mold of what louvers can do. Learn about specialty applications, like vision screens and acoustical louvers.



2019 Blog Cover Image - Thinline Louvers

Thin Line Louvers for Architectural Design and PTAC: Thin line louvers often serve one of two roles. They can be used to enhance architectural features on a building, or they can protect ventilation points for small AC units. Learn more with this Newsstand article.



HS Blog 2019 - Louvers Every OccasionLouvers for Every Occasion? - Choosing for Various Applications: Would a standard drainable louver work for a severe weather application? What if you used a hurricane louver instead? Usually, the right louver works better.



MCDLG Blog - Style With LouversThe Condenser - Style with Louvers: Louvers can be more than gray metal squares. With the right finish, you can add color that stands out or blends in with your project. Learn how to turn your louvers into works of art with the Newsstand!



MCDLG Blog - 3 Common Types of LouversThree Common Types of Louvers: Three types of louvers fit into most applications. You will come across these louvers a lot when designing buildings and fulfilling project requirements, whether you need to protect an opening or keep air flowing. 



MCDLG Blogs - Sunshades (Resize)Sunshades for Passive Cooling: Looking for an eco-friendly way to cool your buildings in the summer? Add sunscreens to your project. A little shade can significantly reduce your energy consumption and save money overall. 



MCDLG Blog 2022 - Screen CoverThe Condenser - Equipment Screens for Rooftops: Roof-mounted equipment can really disrupt your designs. With equipment screens, you can conceal those large HVAC units and add a nice louvered look to your roof.



Hubspot Blog - Louver Specifications - cover Specifications for Louvers: Specifications provide an outline of your project, including the louvers. These documents spell out everything from what the louver is made of, to the finish used, and to the finished product.



MCDLG Hubspot Blog - Severe Weather Louvers - Severe Duty - coverHurricane Louvers for Severe Duty Protection: Hurricane louvers are designed to protect your ventilation openings during the worst severe weather events. These louvers protect from high velocity wind driven rain and resist against impacts from windborne debris.



MCDLG is Here to Help!

MCDLG is here to help! We can help you meet your HVAC requirements, from start to finish.

New to the HVAC industry? Need a refresher? Browse the MCDLG Newsstand for explanations on industry terms and stats. Learn the basics of louvers and dampers, and how to choose the right equipment for your next project.

MCDLG also offers continuing education courses through our Campus Portal on AEC Daily! Learn at your own pace through our online courses. Learn important HVAC principles and earn continuing education credits from a variety of institutions, including ASHRAE and AIA.

Visit AEC Daily to browse our online courses

Do you have a question regarding a current or future project? MCDLG can help! Visit our contact page and leave us a message. We will gladly help you find what you need, whether it's information or custom-built louvers and dampers. Let us put our 50+ years in the industry to work for you.

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We are the Mestek Commercial Damper and Louver Group, a collective of top-tier HVAC brands. Don't go it alone. MCDLG is here to help!